Monday, September 24, 2012

雷霆掃毒 Highs And Lows (2012)

2012年9月24日-2012年11月4日 (香港 TVB/大馬 Astro On Demand)
Original Run Date:
September 24, 2012 - November 4, 2012 (HK TVB / Malaysia Astro On Demand)

Michael Miu, Raymond Lam, Kate Tsui, Elaine Ng, Ella Koon, Ben Wong, Jin Au-yeung, Derek Kok, Alex Lam, Law Lok-lam

监制: 林志華
Producer: Lam Chi-wah

集数: 30
No. of episodes: 30

主題曲: 幼稚完
主唱: 林峯

Closing Theme Song Performed By: Raymond Lam

毒品調查科行動組高級督察向榮(苗僑偉飾)嫉惡如仇,與情報組高級督察韋世樂(林峯飾)亦師亦友,合作無間,為警隊屢破毒案。世樂在一次緝毒行動中,發現蛛絲馬跡,向榮極有可能是勾結毒犯的神秘黑警。世樂開始暗中調查向榮,加上心術不正的行動組總督察潘學禮(黃智賢飾)從中挑撥,多年兄弟連番角力,矛盾重重…… 另一方面,世樂因調查行動認識線人陳家碧(徐子珊飾),兩人暗生情愫,但家碧出身低微,自卑感作祟,刻意逃情,並讓愛予一直暗戀世樂的新紮師妹高希璇(官恩娜飾),三人之間有著微妙的感情關係。忍痛讓愛的家碧最後走上不歸路,選擇投向黑幫大佬的懷抱,成為新一代毒后,販運毒品,挑戰警隊。世樂痛心疾首,與向榮聯手,跟家碧展開一幕幕的毒戰……

Gordon Heung (Michael Miu), senior inspector of the Narcotics Bureau's Operations Wing, is forced to partake in illegal drug manufacturing and trafficking after a mysterious man threatened to reveal his friend's illegal money laundering if he refused. Heung's good friend and student, Senior Inspector Wai Sai-lok (Raymond Lam) of Narcotics Bureau's Intelligence Wing, begins to grow suspicious of Heung after finding some evidence that hinted at Heung's illegal activities during a drug bust. Heung's involvement with drug traffickers also gets leaked to Wai's rival, Chief Inspector Poon Hok-lai (Ben Wong) of the Operations Wing, who decides to use this chance to sever Heung and Wai's relationship. When Poon discovers that Wai had started a romance with his informant, Pat Chan (Kate Tsui), Poon gets in between their relationship and convinces Chan to leave Wai. He then indirectly exposes her to drug trafficking and consumption, and Chan eventually becomes one of the most powerful illegal drug traffickers in Hong Kong.

Download / 下載 :
Highs And Lows 【16】
Highs And Lows 【17】
Highs And Lows 【18】
Highs And Lows 【19】
Note: There is no airing on TVB or Astro On Demand on October 19 and 22, 2012. Airing will be resume on October 23, 2012. Highs And Lows 【20】
Highs And Lows 【21】
Highs And Lows 【22】
Highs And Lows 【23】
Highs And Lows 【24】
Highs And Lows 【25】

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